All about wheelchair transportation services 

Everything needed to know about wheelchair transportation ,For people with disabilities, transportation is a critical policy issue. Transportation barriers have been repeatedly stated as having a major impact on the lives of people with disabilities. To broaden the debate, this paper distinguishes between the types of wheelchair transportation services and facilities required by regulations or law and those required to meet the far greater mobility needs among most people with disabilities.

Compassionate wheelchair transportation assistance

Wheelchair services include:

  • Assisting wheelchair passengers in boarding and exiting vehicles by helping them with vehicle lifts.
  • Passengers in wheelchairs are securely strapped in so that they can ride safely.
  • Assisting wheelchair passengers with getting out of the vehicle and navigating the steps
  • When necessary, push and try to lift wheelchairs to ensure they reach the door.
  • Providing wheelchairs to those who require them
  • Transporting an oxygen tank for a passenger and other supplies

Extensive vehicle fleet for any need

The transportation services of wheelchairs are:

  • Wheelchair-lift-equipped vehicles
  • Stretcher transportation in vans
  • Minivans
  • Ambulatory vans
  • And more

Unfortunately, knowing that someone has a disability, no matter how severe, does not tell us whether or not they have significant mobility restrictions and wheelchair transportation services are required.

Overall, these studies have shown that people with disabilities face significant travel barriers, but not necessarily that have been the subject of policy debates. Because roughly one among people with disabilities does not have access to public transportation or other modes of transportation, the accessibility of those services is irrelevant.